A Sport Wales brief to create a campaign that inspires all ages to become more active. To get people interested in sport we need to first engage them. The campaign creative aims to empower and educate people about the benefits of becoming more active.
We designed a modern energetic campaign that the people of Wales can look up to. Inspired by different sports we used a visual system to represent the energetic movement of the brand, and how it can change direction and be used to represent different ways to become active.

Being part of the Vision meant that you agree to its values and strive to become more active as an individual or collective. Through the website the badge is available as part of a toolkit for anyone to use. Followed by the #WeCanWales - which gave the nation a strap-line to strive for, and also showcase them doing their bit.

Inspired by the different ways these lines are visualised we decided to use them as a visual metaphor to represent the energetic movement of the brand, and how it can change direction and be used in various ways to represent different key words. Taking them out of context and using them as methods of visual communication.

It was important we created social content that inspired and shouted about the importance of being active. Our colour palette and choice of font helped us communicate this energy well. Through the simple means of buzz words and short sharp messages, the people of Wales were able to feel empowered and not intimidated.

We designed and built a mobile first website where everything lives. An exciting showcase of Welsh content told through a fresh campaign story which educates users all about the benefits of being active, what the Nation is already doing and most importantly what you need to do to get involved in the Vision.

The Vision is going to grow as time goes by, so we wanted to showcase this, as well as being a branding & web project we made sure the Vision is something that people can showcase physically, through printed content & merchandise.