Mike Wins Client Services Top 30 Award

By Toward,

October 2024


Toward MD, Mike Jordan has been named in the Agency Hackers’ Client Services Top 30.

The Great Agencies Client Services Index celebrates agency client services leaders who are making an impact on their agency. The aim is to recognise and celebrate people who are blazing a trail – so other people can learn from their success.

This year’s nominations were judged by Rachel Raphael; consultant and founding partner of The Outskirt Collective

Mike was awarded at the Agency Hackers Happy Clients event at the British Library in Kings Cross. 

Good client services is a team effort. It has to be driven at every stage of any project to make sure clients feel assured and trusting. Although it’s an incredible honour to receive this recognition by Agency Hackers, I have to give credit to the brilliant team around me
Mike Jordan, MD of Toward wins client services top 30 award

Mike also has a funny story about his experience at the event but you’ll have to speak to him to find out about that...

Thanks to Agency Hackers and Rachel Raphael. Be sure to give them a follow. Agency Hackers offer regular free online talks that are always interesting for those in working or running agencies so go sign up.