Absolute Performance design and install training facilities for professional sport clubs, educational institutions, home gyms, independent gyms and the public sector. A few years ago we started working with them on the redesign of their website and marketing material.

Getting started
The project kicked off with a half day workshop with all of the project team. This allowed us to confirm the scope and deliverables, look at other sites in the marketplace, review the existing site, discuss in detail the objectives of the redesign and begin to understand the audiences they were targeting. It also gave us chance to discuss social media platforms, hosting requirements and introduce the Absolute Performance team to the tools we would use for the project. All these things are much better dealt with in person. We also had pizza delivered to the studio, which never goes down badly!
Following the workshop we were able to define and prioritise the user groups and then list the tasks they would want to achieve on the new site. We were also able to decide on the structure based on the content discussion and project objectives.
Using all the background insights we'd gained from the initial phase of the project, we started to look at design. This began by sketching low-fi layouts to help us understand and explain the hierarchy of content, which slowly developed into wireframes and eventually into the final website design. Key to this phase was to create a design that took into consideration the existing identity and colour scheme.

Focusing on case studies
From our research phase we found that one of the most powerful marketing tools that Absolute Performance has is their previous work. It was decided pretty quickly that previous case studies would feature heavily throughout the site. Each case study focused on photography, with a detailed description of each project.

Since the launch of the site the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. The AP team has gone from strength to strength, securing many new high-profile clients. Check out the site at www.aperformance.co.uk

Based on the new visual direction we put in place for the website, we've since developed a whole range of brochures and other communications. A couple of years on and we're delighted to be still supporting Absolute Performance on an regular basis.